SREcon EMEA 2019 - Day 2

Here's a summary of the attended talks:

Advanced Napkin Math: Estimating System Performance from First Principles

Advanced Napkin Math: Estimating System Performance from First Principles

How fast should a system be for certain actions?

Example: 8 bit GET query to a local Redis: 10 µs

Base rates: Cost (loosly based on Google Cloud Calculator

  • CPU: $10/core/month
  • Memory: $1/GB/month
  • SSD: $0.1/GB/month
  • Disk: $0.01/GB/month
  • Cloud-storage (S3): $0.01/GB/month
  • Network: $0.01/GB/month (between zones, ingress, between regions)
  • Reading 1 GiB of sequential memory takes: ~100ms
  • Reading 1 GiB from SSD takes: ~250ms
  • Writing 1 GiB to SSD takes: ~500ms
  • Writing 1 GiB of random memory in 64-bit increments takes: 1.5 seconds
  • Transfering 1 GiB from one Cloud Region (not zone) to another takes: ~1 minute (150 Mbit/s)

See also:

You need less precision than you think: Provide quick approximation within an order of magnitude of the real answer.

Example: Why did it once take 2-3 seconds to serve a response for some website from D.C. to Australia.

  • Render time: ~100ms
  • Round-trip time between DC and Australia: ~250ms
  • Request cycle round-trips: ~4.5 from DNS(1), TCP(1), SSL(2), HTTP(1)
  • Expected response time: 4* 250ms + 100ms = 1.1 seconds May take a lot more than 1.1 seconds, because of TCP slow start. The mental model is wrong.

Example: Shop with 2^21 products and apply <= 64 filters. How long will it take to get a result?

First principle thinking is required to break out of habbits. And allow improvments in an order of magnitude.


  • (Anki, Messenger Bot)
  • Apply them to your own problems

SRE by Influence, Not Authority: How the New York Times Prepares for Large Scale Events

SRE by Influence, Not Authority: How the New York Times Prepares for Large Scale Events

How to drive change if teams are not required to work with you.

Delivery Engineering:

  • Teams as customers
  • incentivize vs. standardize our tooling and processes
  • Feedback to drive decisions

Architecture Review Template

Application Overview Diagram Repositories Documents & Resources

  • RFCs
  • Documentation
  • SLOs (if they exist)
  • Monitoring
  • Logging
  • Projects & Accounts
  • Load
    • Load Test results
    • Normal traffic graphs Questions:
  • What part of the application is most likely to fail?
  • How do you determine if the application is healthy?
  • Are those health checks automated? Could you provide an endpoint for us to scrape
  • What systems does your application rely on?
  • Can your application survive if a dependent system fails? If so how long?

prepare for extrem conditions Rice and prioritze finding

  • Crate a ticket for reliability issues
  • scrum of scrum: talkthrough blockers Plan degradation strategy Incidents:
  • Understand Role: Incident Commander
  • Incident Lifecylce

Load Balancing Building Blocks

Load Balancing Building Blocks

Every Request to Facebook goes at least through 7 loadbalancers.

Loadbalance because:

  • too many requests
  • defending against failure
  • grace fully add capacity

Prox L4/L7 Loadbalancer:

  • SPOF
  • Active/Passive
  • Health Checking Backends
  • Backend Failure: TCP reset
  • History:

    • L4 because CPU was the bottleneck before the network became a bottleneck
    • Increased CPU allows L7 features Prefare L7 over L4 these days

    DNS Loadbalancing flavours:

    • RR DNS
    • Anycast DNS
    • Geoaware DNS
    • Network aware NDS
    • Latency aware DNS Problems:
  • caching (short TTL doesn't fix anything)
  • Anycast routing not always optimal
  • Limited information - resolver doesn't pass information on

Latency measurement:

  • combine DNS resolver (specific url, e.g.: logs with webserver logs (host:

Why POPs:

  • less complex than an entire new region, because it only serves web traffic
  • RTT to POP is significant lower
  • POP to DC has an already active connection

You need a global LB if the requests exceed the POP capacity. Facebooks solution is cartographer: Direct traffic to POP/DC as much as it can handle. cartographer uses DNS LB. It asnychronously builds a map for traffic distribution.

MagLev LB:

What Happens When You Type

What Happens When You Type

Wikipedia runs on ~1300 Bare Metal Servers in 3 main Data Centers. Their main application is Mediawiki, a LAMP Stack application.

Applicaton Layer Caches

Wikimedia is moving from Mediawiki and Parsoid to a micro service appliation.


  • Bare Metal + Puppet
  • Calico as CNI
  • Helm Deployments
  • Docker as CRE Message Queuing:
  • Apache Kafka MariaDB:
  • Divided into sections (shareds)
  • Cross DC replication
  • TLS accross all DBs
  • Snapshot and local dumps for DR Storage:
  • Swift
    • HTTP
    • easly scalable
  • 390 TB of Data Network:
  • Ping: offloading servers (everybody pings to check if the network is ok) CDN:
  • TLS: Nginx
  • Varnish: FE (in memory)
  • Varnish: BE (local storage)
  • ??
  • Migration to Apache ATS (needed features are only available in nginx+ and varnish+)

Workshop: Statistics for Engineers

Statistics for Engineers

Git Repo: Statistics for Engineers

Per default the script in the Repo expects a .circonusrc.json. If you're not a circonus customer, you have to adjust the script. Open 2019-10-02-SRECon-Dublin/ and remove all lines after and including with open(os.path.expanduser("~/work/.circonusrc.json"),"r") as fh:. Thats it.

This is a challenging workshop. Heinrich shows a lot of code and diagram samples and explains a lot. But it is quite hard to follow. In this Git repo is a Dockerfile which creates a jupyter notebook environment where you can test all his examples.

Everyone who is interested in metrics and monitoring should take a look at his Git repo.

Talks I missed